Easing Artwork Bottlenecks at Flooded Screen Prints with Seps

(Art) Flooded no more! Get to know how Flooded Screen Prints was able to ease bottlenecks in art production by outsourcing Seps.

Flooded Screen Prints is a small business in Stanford, Carolina, specializing in screen printing, custom embroidery, wide-format printing, and more. Being a graphic artist herself, shop owner Keonna used to do all the art production for the shop which often leaves her burned out due to the bottlenecks during the art production process which ultimately slows down the whole printing process. Flooded Screen Prints onboarded with Seps to help fix this problem.  

Innovating Art Production with Seps

To solve this problem, Flooded Screen Print partnered with Seps to streamline their art production process. Keonna found the platform super easy to use and appreciated its convenience. All she had to do was fill out the form and provide any necessary attachments, and Seps's graphic designers would handle the rest.

Seps provided Flooded Screen Print with color separation for screen printing, vectorization of low-res artwork, file prep for wide format printing, and other graphic art-related works. They also helped the company set up professional proofs and mockups, which allowed them to get approvals faster.

Easy Solution for Art Production Needs

Using Seps was an easy solution for Flooded Screen Print's art production needs. Their straightforward platform allowed them to easily communicate their job orders and instructions to graphic designers. 

“Using Seps has been super easy. All you need to do is fill out the form and tell them exactly what you want, and you just wait for it to get ready.” Keona shared. Flooded provides Loom recording and any additional pertinent attachments when requesting intricate jobs. This allows us to ensure all directions are followed accurately. With the help of Seps, Flooded Screen Print was able to separate their art production from screen-printing, which took a huge load off their shoulders.

Recommendation for Seps

Keonna highly recommends Seps to small and large shops alike. She believes the platform is especially helpful for one or two-person operators, as it takes the pressure off getting artwork done and speeds up the workflow.

Why do shops like Flooded Screen Prints use Seps?

Overall, our system has provided them the convenience and ease in their workflow, enabling them to speed up their process and simultaneously separate art production matters from screen-printing, which took a huge load off their shoulders.  

With Seps, you can solve your artwork struggles, get consistent results, and save time and money. If you want to level up your screen printing business like Flooded Screen Prints, try Seps today. Contact us today! 

“When we’re sending proofs to the customers, everything is uniform. So it looks like, even though we are a small shop, it looks like we have a huge production when it comes to our customer’s artwork.”
Keona Carr
Owner of Flooded Screen Prints